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ScienceComm’22 in Bern in June

21. February 2022Science communicationResearcher

On 22 June 2022, the Swiss conference will focus on "the tension between science and democracy", "health" and "data visualisation".

UNESCO publishes Recommendation on Open Science

18. February 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The Open Science document was adopted by 193 countries. For the first time, there is an international definition of Open Science.

Webinar: Taxation for Researchers in Austria

17. February 2022Higher EducationResearcher

The EURAXESS Meeting Point Vienna invites internationally mobile researchers (doctoral to postdoctoral level ) working in Austria to join an online session on taxation on February …

New call “The knowledge of the many - science communication in Vienna”

17. February 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The Cultural Department of the City of Vienna (MA 7) promotes innovative science communication projects that contribute to reducing science skepticism.

Sustainable food systems and the concept of food democracy

17. February 202259:49Researcher

Organic farming and agroecology as the future for sustainable food systems is demanded and promoted more and more.