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New 2-Euro coin available as of 1 July

20. June 2022Press releaseEuropean Programmes

In 2022 the countries of the EU monetary union celebrate “35 years of the Erasmus programme” with a specially designed 2-Euro coin.

Press photo opportunity: 2-Euro commemorative coin “Erasmus programme”

14. June 2022Press releaseEuropean Programmes

On 20 June 2022 the commemorative coin will be presented to the Federal Minister Martin Polaschek, State Secretary Claudia Plakolm, Jakob Calice, OeAD Managing Director, and Ernst …

100 scholarships already awarded to Ukrainian students

9. June 2022CallPress releaseHigher Education

The minister of science Martin Polaschek and the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice met the Ukrainian scholarship holders Sofia Bolkhovetska, Miroslava Gabriiel, Kateryna Shvets …

#youngsciencerocks: OeAD wants to arouse interest in science and research

4. May 2022YoungScienceKinderunisPress release

Children’s and youth universities receive 1.2 million euros in funding

DiscoverEU: Discover Europe with a free train ticket

19. April 2022JugendPress releaseEuropean Programmes

The EU sends young people on a journey