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Pioneering Agricultural Leadership: Fentahun Mengistu Tiruneh's Journey in Research and Development

3. June 2024AlumniDevelopment Research

For the last 34 years the OeAD alumnus was working as a researcher, expert, and leader in agricultural research and development in Ethiopia.

Preventing extremism: book free school workshops

29. May 2024School

Teachers can still book free workshops for school classes until the summer holidays 2024. In 3-4-hour sessions pupils will reflect on and discuss ...

Welt im Ohr: Neue Horizonte über Disziplinen und Grenzen hinaus

28. May 2024Development ResearchResearcher

Internationale Studierende und Forschende aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen und Regionen der Welt sind unverzichtbar. Ö1 Campusradio 31.05.24, 20:00-21:00 Uhr

Survey on staff development in higher education

27. May 2024Higher Education

Higher education institutions are invited to respond to a survey on staff development for learning and teaching at European universities.

Alumni Talk with Kahsa Tadel Gebre

27. May 2024AlumniDevelopment Research

On 25 April 2024, Kahsa Tadel Gebre shared her experiences as a former scholarship holder and current researcher at BOKU University.