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Welcome & Alumni Talk

31. October 2018ScholarshipOeADAlumni

The OeAD welcome event for incoming scholarship holders took place on October 25th, 2018 in the OeAD House in Vienna.

Video online: OeAD scholars' boat tour on Hallstätter See

9. October 2018OeADScholarship

In summer 2018, OeAD scholarship holders visited Salzburg and Hallstatt. During this trip, they went on a boat tour on Hallstätter See.

Jubiläumsfeier 20 Jahre OeAD-Kooperationsbüro Lemberg

18. September 2018PartnershipsLanguagesOeAD

Bei der Jubiläumsfeier in Lemberg würdigte OeAD-Geschäftsführer Stefan Zotti die Arbeit des Kooperationsbüros und unterzeichnete den Vertrag zur Durchführung von Sprachtests.

Highlight your future. Study in Austria.

14. September 2018OeADHigher Education MarketingStudies

The OeAD higher education marketing's new image film shows why Austria is an ideal country for studying.

Austrian reception at the EAIE in Geneva

13. September 2018Europäischer HochschulraumOeADHigher Education

Approximately 140 guests attended Advantage Austria (the Austrian Economic Chamber)'s and the OeAD's invitation to the Austrian reception.