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Journalism students from four countries work on ecological multimedia projects

15. February 2017OeADHigher EducationStudies

From 5th to 12th of February 2017 students of the International School of Multimedia Journalism came together in Vienna to work on multimedia projects with focus on ecological …

International Lectures: 22 articels for the internationalisation of universities

30. January 2017Higher EducationOeAD

The "International lectures" offered talks and discussions on the topic of internationalisation of higher education institutions. The contributions are summarized in the OeAD …

OeAD negotiates new programme in Teheran

26. January 2017Higher EducationOeAD

New cooperations between Austrian and Iranian higher education institutions were the focus of the scientific delegation’s trip. The OeAD successfully negotiated an agreement about …

OeAD macht Schule and education is to make pupils happy

22. November 2016European ProgrammesOeADSchool

The fifth symposium of the series of events “OeAD macht Schule” started with introductory presentations on “Changing your mindset” and “Teaching in a world without borders”.

26. OeAD-Hochschultagung: Responsible Science, ein globales Konzept

17. October 2016OeADPublic Science

Die 26. Hochschultagung der OeAD-GmbH widmete sich zwei Schwerpunktthemen: Am 17. Oktober stand Responsible Science im Zentrum, am 18. Oktober ging es um Krisenmanagement in der …