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Innovation Foundation for Education

4. January 2018Higher EducationQualitySchool

Promoting innovation in the classroom, breaking new ground in education and raising the level of education in Austria: this is the mission of the Innovation Foundation for …

Mobility and its added value: Review of the Higher Education Conference

18. December 2017Higher EducationOeADEuropean Programmes

"Different studies from Germany show that graduates who had been abroad find it easier to gain a foothold in multinational companies and earn higher salaries,"summarises Nicolai Netz from the German Centre for Higher Education and Scientific Research in his keynote speech at the …

2017 Austrian Alumni Event in Shanghai

15. December 2017Higher EducationAlumni

The Austrian Alumni Christmas Event took place on December 9th at the Austrian Centre Shanghai.

Eva Blimlinger elected president of Universities Austria

12. December 2017Higher Education

Rector Oliver Vitouch is the president's deputy.

Europäische Erneuerungsagenda für die Hochschulbildung

30. November 2017European ProgrammesHigher Education

Die Europäische Kommission hat am 30. Mai 2017 eine Mitteilung über eine erneuerte euro­päische Agenda für die Hochschulbildung veröffentlicht. Damit wird die Agenda aus dem Jahr …