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Alumni Meeting in Kenya on February 12th, 2020

30. January 2020Development Research

The Austrian Embassy in Nairobi, in cooperation with the OeAD, is organising a meeting for current and former OeAD scholarship holders and alumni of Austrian higher education …

Welt im Ohr (World in your Ear): Go Green. Energy revolution in Senegal

2. January 2020Development ResearchResearcher

What do Seestand Aspern, the APPEAR project "Sustainable Energy Access for Sustainable Cities" and the town project Diamniadio in Dakar have in common? Ö1 Campus Radio January 3rd, …

Welt im Ohr: Die Welt im Wohnzimmer III - Literatur mit kritischem Blick

19. December 201957:51Development ResearchResearcher

Literatur erzählt Geschichten, entführt uns in andere Universen und es fasziniert, was mit wenigen Buchstaben möglich ist.

APPEAR participates in the 9th ANIE Conference 2019 in Kenya

18. December 2019Development ResearchHigher Education

Andreas Obrecht and Kevin Obiero represented APPEAR at the 9th African Network for Internationalization of Education (ANIE) Conference from 2-3 October 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.

APPEAR scholars discuss award winning films at human rights film festival

18. December 2019Development Research

On November 29 and December 1, APPEAR, in cooperation with the international human rights festival "This Human World", presented the film days "Wissen.Schafft.Entwicklung" at …