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The Austrian Development Research Prize 2019 went to Walter Schicho und Teresa Millesi

11. December 2019Development Research

The Development Research Prize, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), was awarded by the OeAD-GmbH’s Department of Education and …

The (re)discovery of the African periphery

9. December 201959:35Development Research

A podcast about the recently published conference volume "Bewildering Borders", which primarily deals with the economisation of nature reserves in Africa. These are mostly located …

APPEAR in practice_14: Access to energy and transition to sustainability in cities

4. December 2019Development Research

In order to provide access to affordable and sustainable energy for all it is crucial to focus on the growing energy demand of cities.

Award of the Austrian Development Research Prize 2019

2. December 2019Development Research

The Austrian Development Research Prize will be awarded for the 4th time in 2019.

OeAD Alumni Talk mit Kevin Odhiambo Obiero aus Kenia

30. November 2019AlumniDevelopment Research

Im Oktober 2019 teilte Kevin Odhiambo Obiero aus Kenia seine Erfahrungen als ehemaliger APPEAR Stipendiat und Forscher mit. Darüber hinaus sprach er über die Bedeutung des …