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Glimpses of one’s Research Travelogue - OeAD AKTION Austria-Slovakia grant holder Janaki Devi

10. February 2023ScholarsAlumni

Janaki Devi tells us about her 6-month scholarship funded experience in Austria, her PhD research at the University of Innsbruck and her personal growth and insights.

Alumni organisation from Kosovo visiting Austria

8. February 2023ScholarsAlumniScholarship

New organisation for Kosovar-Austrian alumni came for a visit to Vienna and Graz to gain insights into alumni networks Projects and Alumni

6. February 2023ScholarsAlumni

The is an online map showing the projects and scholarship holders funded by the OeAD.

My scientific story in Vienna: lessons learned and deserved thanks

27. January 2023ScholarsAlumniResearcher

Prof. Raafat Khidr from Egypt, a successful OeAD alumnus, has done his doctorate at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in the 90s and has maintained …

"During difficult times, it is important to turn to science"

17. January 2023Alumni

Oksana and Tymofiy Havryliv from Ukraine, two successful OeAD alumni who have established themselves in Austria, talk about the impact of the war in Ukraine and how they deal with …