
Iranian delegation visits the OeAD

8. March 2017Higher EducationOeADPartnerships

OeAD Director General Dr Stefan Zotti welcomed the Iranian vice-minister Dr Vahid Ahmadi in Vienna.

"We want international researchers to feel comfortable here"

6. March 2017Researcher

Learning from each other and networking in the area of ​​Welcome Services was the theme of the Euraxess Austria event in Vienna.

Ari heißt Löwe – Erinnerungen eines Unbeugsamen

3. March 201759:58

Ari Rath war Zeit seines Lebens ein vehementer Verfechter einer friedlichen Koexistenz von Israelis und Palästinensern. Über sein Leben, Wirken und sein letztes Buch hören Sie in …

Looking for testimonials for the Erasmus+ programme

3. March 2017European Programmes

Would you like to share your story? We are looking for testimonials.

30th anniversary of Erasmus - deadline extended until 17 March 2017

3. March 2017European Programmes

On May 10th, 2017 celebrations will take place all over Austria. We are looking for people who are interested in taking part in regional events and activities.