
Erasmus+ in the United Kingdom

24. April 2017European Programmes

The United Kingdom’s government has confirmed that it will underwrite payments for all Erasmus+ grant agreements signed with the British Council while the UK is still an EU member …

25 years Franz Werfel bursary programme

24. April 2017Scholarship

Readings and an anniversary event will be held at the Literaturhaus Wien from 27-29 April 2017

HERAS Scholarships – Call open

24. April 2017Researcher

The programme HERAS allows PhD students and PostDocs from public Kosovan universities for scholarships in Austria.

Application deadline: 5th June 2017

Nicaragua: Lehren, Forschen und Reisen im Land der Seen und Vulkane

20. April 201759:52

Nicaragua, ein Land voller Geheimnisse. Drei Frauen berichten über das Reisen, Forschen und Lehren in diesem so vielfältigen Land.

March for Science: Together for Science

20. April 2017

On April 22nd, 2017 a statement will be made for an increased cooperation between science and society in Vienna, too.