
Video online: OeAD scholars' boat tour on Hallstätter See

9. October 2018OeADScholarship

In summer 2018, OeAD scholarship holders visited Salzburg and Hallstatt. During this trip, they went on a boat tour on Hallstätter See.

APPEAR in practice_10

9. October 2018

APPEAR in practice invites project partners to reflect on and discuss their experiences referring to a specific topic in the project implementation process of their partnerships. …

Great success of Austrian higher education institutions in Erasmus+

8. October 2018Press releaseHigher EducationEuropean Programmes

International projects receive approximately 25 million euros in EU funding.

Neue Erasmus+ Informationsblätter für Schulen und Kindergärten

4. October 2018European ProgrammesSchool

Finden Sie das passende Förderangebot für Ihren Schultyp.

Informationsveranstaltungen für zukünftige Erasmus+ Antragsteller/innen

3. October 2018European Programmes

Lernen Sie das Programm Erasmus+ besser kennen und reichen Sie Ihr Projekt in der Antragsrunde 2019 ein.