
New deadline for the Ernst Mach grant worldwide

23. November 2018Scholarship

The Ernst Mach grant worldwide deadline for application was preponed to February 1st, 2019.

The new webseite CEE-YOU.EU is online!

22. November 2018Europäischer HochschulraumOeADStudies

The new website has recently gone online and was presented for the first time at the Higher Education Institutions Conference 2018.

Higher Education Conference 2018: Regional, national and international higher education cooperations

21. November 2018Press releaseOeADHigher Education

Within the framework of the OeAD’s annual conference the Director General Stefan Zotti calls for additional funds to finance the initiation of new international cooperations in …

Partnerships between Austria and the South Caucasus: featuring Erasmus+ and APPEAR

20. November 2018PartnershipsHigher Education

There are many and various cooperations between Austrian higher education institutions (HEI) and partner institutions in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan - this was clearly visible …

Austria Mundus+ Sonderaufruf für European Universities

19. November 2018CallHigher EducationEuropean Programmes

Das BMBWF stellt nationale Zuschussmittel als Anreizfinanzierung für European Universities zur Verfügung.