
APPEAR in practice_14: Access to energy and transition to sustainability in cities

4. December 2019Development Research

In order to provide access to affordable and sustainable energy for all it is crucial to focus on the growing energy demand of cities.

Presentation of the Erasmus+ Award Education 2019

4. December 2019European ProgrammesOeAD

The best Erasmus+ success stories, projects and partnerships were awarded prizes in Vienna on December 3rd.

Neuer Projektaufruf zum Bereich Social Inclusion veröffentlicht

4. December 2019European ProgrammesQualityCall

Die Exekutivagentur Bildung, Audiovisuelles und Kultur (EACEA) hat einen Projektaufruf zum Thema Soziale Inklusion im Rahmen von KA3 Erasmus+ Politikunterstützung veröffentlicht.

Call for Applications: Study and Research in Taiwan

3. December 2019CallScholarship

The OeAD-GmbH is delighted to introduce a new initiative which aims to promote greater cooperation between Taiwanese and Austrian higher education institutions.

Award of the Austrian Development Research Prize 2019

2. December 2019Development Research

The Austrian Development Research Prize will be awarded for the 4th time in 2019.