
Living the European idea: Curtain up for Europe and Erasmus+

4. October 2023Press releaseEuropean Programmes

#ErasmusDays2023 from 9–14 October: 150 activities all over Austria

Debre Markos University in Ethiopia awards Honorary Doctorate to Dr. Reinfried Mansberger

3. October 2023Higher EducationDevelopment ResearchResearcher

Debre Markos University in Ethiopia awarded the first honorary doctorate of Science to Dr. Reinfried Mansberger.

Online information event: Offers of the OeAD for cultural education with schools

3. October 2023KulturvermittlungSchool

The online information event (in German) will take place on 5 October – register now!

OeAD Higher Education Conference 2023: Register now!

3. October 2023Higher Education

This year's higher education conference from 23 to 24 November is entitled "The many faces of internationalisation".

Erasmus+ Schulbildung Vernetzungstreffen 2023

3. October 2023European ProgrammesSchool

Über 130 Lehrkräfte kamen am 28. und 29. September in Wien zusammen, um sich über ihre Erasmus+ Projekte auszutauschen und sich untereinander zu vernetzen.