
Citizen Science Award 2023: Die Projekte sind online!

20. January 2023Citizen ScienceSchool

Acht Citizen-Science-Projekte laden heuer von 1. April bis 31. Juli Schulklassen und alle Interessierten zum Mitforschen ein. Die engagiertesten Schulklassen können bis zu 1.000 …

Erasmus+ and ESC: Information events for the call 2023

19. January 2023European Programmes

The OeAD organises a series of information events to prepare you in the best possible way for the upcoming closing dates for application for the 2023 Erasmus+ and ESC call.

EU Commission freezes Erasmus+ funds for 21 Hungarian universities

18. January 2023European Programmes

The restrictions only apply to contracts concluded after 15 December 2022. Projects and stays abroad that have already been approved are therefore not affected.

"During difficult times, it is important to turn to science"

17. January 2023Alumni

Oksana and Tymofiy Havryliv from Ukraine, two successful OeAD alumni who have established themselves in Austria, talk about the impact of the war in Ukraine and how they deal with …