
Austrian students at the renowned College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin

3. August 2023Higher EducationEuropean ProgrammesScholarship

The Minister of Europe Karoline Edtstadler awarded the scholarships on 24 July at the Federal Chancellery. The OeAD was responsible for the application and selection process.

Funding for the initiative "Educational innovation needs educational research"

3. August 2023Higher EducationResearcher

On Wednesday, 2 August, the Minister of Education Martin Polaschek, the University College of Teacher Education’s rector Beatrix Karl, the Graz University of Technology’s rector …

New cooperation with the Teacher Training College Tyrol: Course on "National Socialism, …

3. August 2023Holocaust Education

Ground-breaking cooperation between Teacher Training College Tyrol, memorial and educational centre Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz in Berlin and OeAD enables excursion to Berlin as …

Erfolgreiche Beteiligung Österreichs in Capacity Building in Higher Education

3. August 2023Higher EducationEuropean Programmes

Bei Teilnahme von 135 Ländern in Erasmus+ CBHE sichert sich Österreich mit 17 erfolgreichen Projektbeteiligungen den ausgezeichneten zehnten Platz.

Summer Meetup for Ukrainian Students at OeAD

2. August 2023ScholarsHigher Education

Events4scholars: Ukrainian Ernst Mach grant holders met for news & information, city tours, food and inspiring networking opportunities during our 'Summer Meetup' in Vienna.