
An excellent research career with Franz Werfel - Timofiy Havryliv

28. March 2023AlumniScholarshipResearcher

Tymofiy Havryliv studied German, literature and philosophy in Ukraine and Germany and came to Austria with a Franz Werfel scholarship. In addition to writing numerous books of his …

Astronom und Wissenschaftsbotschafter Stefan Wallner besuchte das BORG Jennersdorf

27. March 2023SchoolPublic ScienceResearcher

Die Schule hat den Forschenden zu einem Vortrag über das Thema Lichtverschmutzung eingeladen.

Refugees at Austrian higher education institutions – invisible talents? 12 April 4:00-8:00 p.m., WU

27. March 2023Higher EducationStudies

The OeAD and the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) invite you to discuss about "Refugees in Austrian higher education: Invisible Talents?" Register to join this …

Cooperation Development Research (KoEF): Entrepreneurship Education in Burkina Faso

24. March 2023Development Research

Successful completion of a project within the framework of the “Cooperation Development Research” programme.

Wissenschaftsbotschafter Florian Bieber besuchte die Volksschule Bad Waltersdorf

21. March 2023SchoolPublic ScienceResearcher

Die Kinder der 3. und 4. Klasse setzten sich dabei mit der Geschichte in Südosteuropa und der aktuellen politischen Situation auseinander.