
OeAD receives quality label for workplace health promotion

9. April 2019OeAD

The OeAD-GmbH has been awarded the quality label for workplace health promotion by the Viennese regional health insurance provider (WGKK) for the period from 2019 to 2021.

Dr. Sixtus Lanner Scholarship for work on development of rural areas

9. April 2019ScholarshipStudiesHigher Education

The Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism offers two merit scholarships for academic work related to rural development.

Einladung zur EPALE-Konferenz am 13. Juni 2019

9. April 2019European ProgrammesAdult Education

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur EPALE-Konferenz "Politische Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich und Europa: Ziele, Methoden und Zukunftsperspektiven" am 13. Juni nach Wien ein.

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in Hanoi

8. April 2019Partnerships

In April 2018 the theatre project Romeo and Juliet took place in Hanoi/Vietnam with the financial support of the ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET).

Erasmus-Alumna und Architektur-Absolventin der FH JOANNEUM gründet Start-up Bamboolution

5. April 2019Higher EducationEuropean Programmes

Christina Teusl, Absolventin der FH JOANNEUM, gründete im Anschluss an ihr ERASMUS+ gefördertes Auslandssemester in Uganda das Unternehmen "Bamboolution".