
And the winner is - The CEEPUS Minister Price 2020 goes to the Medical University of Graz

9. June 2021NetzwerkBildungskooperationHigher Education

This year the CEEPUS network CIII-AT-0042 “Image Processing, Information Engineering & Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange" coordinated by the Medical University of Graz was …

Forum 2021 Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt: Lehrstellenmarkt in Österreich in Zeiten von Covid-19

7. June 2021European ProgrammesVocational TrainingSchool

In Kooperation mit dem AMS Österreich führt der OeAD als nationale Agentur Erasmus+ am 22. Juni 2021 das Forum 2021 „Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt“ online durch.

60 Years OeAD: Erasmus+ and ESC Next Generation 2021-2027

3. June 2021OeAD60European ProgrammesAdult Education

The successful EU programme for education, youth and sports and the European Solidarity Corps will continue! The OeAD implements these programmes for Austria.

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps 2021–2027

1. June 2021European ProgrammesPress release

28.4 thousand million euros for a fairer and greener Europe, 1 thousand million euros for solidarity projects

The new citizen science newsletter is out!

31. May 2021Citizen SciencePublic Science

At the end of May, the latest information on the topics of "Citizen Science" and "Responsible Science" went out.