
Welt im Ohr: Best of "Wissen.Schafft.Entwicklung" – Film and Discussion

25. November 202159:49Researcher

This "Welt im Ohr" ("World in your Ear") radio programme allows you to listen to past contributions for the film days organised within the framework of the cooperation with This …

eTwinning 2022: Our future beautiful, sustainable, together: Schools and the New European Bauhaus

25. November 2021European ProgrammesSchool

Gestalten Sie Ihr europäisches Schulprojekt schon jetzt zum neuen eTwinning-Jahresthema! Nützliche Informationen und Links finden Sie hier.

Brochure RaumGestalten published

24. November 2021KulturvermittlungCallOeAD

The latest RaumGestalten brochure has been published. It documents those projects in the field of architecture/building culture that were implemented in the school years 2019/20 …

60 Years OeAD: Kaiserschmarrn saves viewing figures

23. November 2021OeAD60Bildungskooperation

A culinary report from the OeAD Cooperation Office L’viv

ONLINE: Ilija Trojanow at the OeAD Higher Education Conference

19. November 2021

“Utopien im globalen Zusammenhang” (“Utopias in the Global Context”) – Presentation on 22 November