
Online Welcome, Meet & Greet for Scholarship Holders

10. March 2022ScholarsScholarship

OeAD scholars meet and connect online!

Call Opening S&T Cooperation

9. March 2022CallResearcher

The following calls for the programme Scientific & Technological Cooperation (Wissenschaftlich-Technische-Zusammenarbeit) are open or will open soon.

Donnerstags mit eTwinning – Webinare für Lehrkräfte im Frühling 2022

8. March 2022European ProgrammesSchool

Kostenlose Weiterbildungen: Die wöchentliche Webinarreihe geht im Frühjahr 2022 mit einem abwechslungsreichem Fortbildungsangebot für Lehrpersonen aller Schulstufen weiter.

Review: OeAD at the Education Fair Study Abroad in Serbia

8. March 2022Higher EducationHigher Education Marketing

On March 5, the OeAD took part in the education fair Study Abroad, the most important information platform for future students from Serbia.

21 new Africa-UniNet projects to start in 2022

3. March 2022

In the framework of the 2nd Africa-UniNet call 21 cooperative research projects between universities and research institutions in Austria and in African countries were accepted for …