
Conference on cultural education, resilience and sustainability in Vienna

14. September 2022KulturvermittlungPress release

OeAD and Educult invite you to exchange ideas in cooperation with the ENO network

Study in Austria at the EAIE Annual Conference & Exhibition in Barcelona, September 13-16, 2022

12. September 2022

Under the umbrella brand Study in Austria, the OeAD will represent the Austrian higher education landscape at the EAIE Annual Conference (booth number H54) in Barcelona from …

Euroguidance Cross Border Seminar 2022: Bewerben Sie sich jetzt!

9. September 2022European ProgrammesAdult EducationVocational Training

Der OeAD entsendet drei Bildungs- und Berufsberater/innen von 8. bis 9.11.2022 nach Riga, Lettland.

OeAD mourns the loss of Bernd Michael Rode

9. September 2022

The OeAD mourns the loss of Univ.-Prof. Dr. DDDDr.h.c. Bernd Michael Rode, a pioneer of the internationalisation of Austrian higher education institutions.

International Erasmus+ Conference: “Apprenticeship Training – A Journey around the World”

8. September 2022

Application possible until 9 September!