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Wien der Nase nach – eine Tour durch die Wiener Geruchswelten!

11. March 2024Citizen SciencePublic ScienceResearcher

Kann man eine Stadt über ihre Gerüche lesen? Und was erzählen Gerüche über eine Stadt und ihre Bewohner/innen? Citizen Scientists erforschten die Geruchswelt Wiens.

Audience Award of the Salzburg University Weeks

11. March 2024Science communication

As part of the Salzburg University Weeks (SHW) 2024, the SHW Board of Directors is organising the Audience Award for Science Communication for the eighteenth time.

Call for Papers: Creating Knowledge - Telling Futures

8. March 2024Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

The Sparkling Science project "Es wird einmal..." and the Interdisciplinary Network for Science Education Lower Austria are organizing a symposium for which contributions can now …

Register now for the Sparkling Science Spotlight on March 14

7. March 2024Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

The "u3Green" and "Be PART of it!" projects introduce themselves in the webinar.

Sparkling Science project interviewed on "Radio Stimme"

5. March 2024Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

The program with the project representatives will be broadcast on several radio stations and streamed in the "Radio Stimme" format.