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Networking of Sparkling Science projects of the University of Innsbruck

8. November 2022Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

On 9 November 2022, all citizen science projects at the University of Innsbruck funded by "Sparkling Science 2.0" met for an online exchange.

The new Citizen Science newsletter is out!

3. November 2022Citizen ScienceScience communication

On November 2, 2022, the latest information about "Citizen Science" and "Science Communication" was sent out.

OECD Guide for Citizen Participation Processes

2. November 2022Citizen Science

The OECD Guide is aimed at public institutions and describes planning and implementation steps and methods

Submit now to the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023

2. November 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

Contributions to the conference motto "ver.suchen - ver.einen - ver.antworten" can be submitted until 7 December 2022.

Journal issue on participatory methods and impact assessment in Citizen Science

1. November 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

Eight articles on "Participatory evaluation and impact assessment in Citizen Science" appeared in the last issue of the journal fteval.