Submit now to the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023

2. November 2022 Citizen ScienceResearcher
Grafische Elemente
Contributions to the conference motto "ver.suchen - ver.einen - ver.antworten" can be submitted until 7 December 2022.

The 8th Austrian Citizen Science Conference will take place next year from 19 to 21 April 2023 at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz in cooperation with Ars Electronica. The conference addresses different target groups:

  • People who (want to) carry out their own citizen science projects or do research on citizen science.
  • People who work at the interface between science and society (e.g. schools, museums, libraries, adult education centres)
  • People who do research themselves in their free time (alone or in a group) or who are already actively involved in citizen science projects. 
  • People who would like to learn more about citizen science (especially on the 3rd day of the conference, where they can get to know and try out citizen science projects).

Contributors must show in their submission which of the above-mentioned target groups they are aiming at. In addition, the contributions must be assigned to one of the three following keywords:

  • try
    New/ Experimental/ Innovative
  • unite
    Insights/ Challenges/ Best Practices
  • take responsibility
    Framework Conditions/ Prerequisites/ The Bigger Picture

Deadline: 7 December 2022

Further information