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Useful tips befor you start your studies in Austria

6. February 2020

Before starting your studies in Austria, you'll have to make sure that you don't forget anything!

Scholarships and research grants

6. February 2020

Where do I find information on scholarships?

Winners of the #Erasmus10Million Photo Competition

5. February 2020

Since its creation in 1987, the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission has given more than 10 million students, pupils, learners and young people the opportunity to gain …

New Call opening S&T Cooperation France 2021-22

3. February 2020

The call for the programme "Scientific & Technological Cooperation" for the project period 2021-22 is open.

Tenure-track Associate Professor position for women only

3. February 2020

with qualification agreement in the area of Energy Economics in Transport