New Call opening S&T Cooperation France 2021-22

3. February 2020
Forscherin mit Pflanze in einem Reagenzglas
The call for the programme "Scientific & Technological Cooperation" for the project period 2021-22 is open.

Between Austria and France

Submission Deadline: 20 April 2020

Call Guidelines

The Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation) is based on inter-governmental and bilateral agreements for cooperations in the fields of science and technology. The financial support is intended for research visits within the framework of concrete scientific cooperation projects with researchers from partner countries of the Scientific & Technological Cooperation; the basic funding of the research projects must be secured from other sources. Funding is available mainly for travel and accommodation costs.

Further information

Further information around the call as well as the access to the online application tool is via the WTZ website .