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New Master's Programme "Computational Science and Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology

26. August 2019Studies

At the Vienna University of Technology, the new interdisciplinary and English-language master's programme "Computational Science and Engineering" will be offered from the winter …

New master programme Human-Computer Interaction in Salzburg from autumn 2019

23. July 2019Studies

The English-language degree is offered in cooperation between the Paris-Lodron University Salzburg and the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg.

Study trip "Doing business in China" of the Management Center Innsbruck

12. June 2019Higher EducationOeADStudies

The OeAD Cooperation Office Shanghai organised the trip of the students of the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI).

Danube University Krems strengthens cooperation with East China Normal University

13. May 2019Higher EducationPartnershipsStudies

The signing of a "Memorandum of Understanding" sealed the increased cooperation in the area of research and teaching between the two higher education institutions.

Award ceremony of the writeAUT writing competition 2019

10. May 2019Higher EducationStudiesOeAD

Students from ten Irish and British universities wrote texts in German on the life and work of Austrian artists this year.