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CEU Summer Courses

12. January 2024Higher EducationScholarship

CfA for Interdisciplinary Summer Courses in the social sciences and humanities at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary 

Ernst Mach-worldwide Research Project of Saptarshi Mallick published by Routledge

10. January 2024ScholarsAlumniScholarship

Saptarshi Mallick, a successful Ernst Mach-worldwide alumnus, has received the grant in 2020

Reminder: Scholarship for the College of Europe – apply now!

9. January 2024Higher EducationStudiesScholarship

Applications are possible until 31 January 2024.

Call for applications for the Technology Scholarships at the University of Klagenfurt is now open

6. December 2023CallStudiesScholarship

The call for applications for the technology scholarships at the University of Klagenfurt (AAU) in the winter semester 2024/25 has opened. The application deadline is 4 February …

Academic collaboration between Kosovo and Austria: Explore Dr. Albana Veseli's educational journey

29. November 2023AlumniScholarshipResearcher

From OeAD grants to founding OKAA and shaping the future: Dr. Veseli's story is one of empowerment, collaboration, and lasting impact.