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Citizen Science Award 2023: The projects are selected!

20. December 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

From 1 April to 31 July 2023, school classes, individuals and families can participate in eight selected citizen science projects and win prizes.

Citizen Science Summer School 2023 in Zurich

13. December 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

From June 4 to 9, 2023, the Citizen Science Summer School will take place in Zurich.

With "Citizen Science and School" in the Bachelor's programme "Digitisation-Innovation-Society "

30. November 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The OeAD Centre for Citizen Science gave a lecture on the cooperation of science and school at the University of Salzburg on 29.11.2022.

Webinar on the different meanings of citizen science

28. November 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

On 8 December 2022, the Wissenschaftsladen Wien will present the Activity Dimensions Grid on citizen science in a webinar.

Review EURAXESS exchange of experience

28. November 2022Researcher

On 22 November representatives of Austrian higher education institutions and research and funding institutions met for the annual EURAXESS network meeting.