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AAL_34 Alumni AudioLab with Jessica Virginia

5. April 202138:43Science communicationPodcastsResearcher

In this podcast Jessica Virginia from Indonesia talks about her research on the degradation of lignin with the help of bacteria.

12th Wendelin-Schmidt-Dengler Reading with Olga Flor

1. April 2021LanguagesResearcherAlumni

Besides Olga Flor former recipients of a Franz Werfel scholarship of the OeAD will read from their translations.

Citizen Science Award 2021: The participation has started!

1. April 2021Citizen ScienceSchoolResearcher

Committed Citizen Scientists - especially school classes - can make valuable contributions to current research questions as part of the research competition.

Online at the University of Linz

30. March 2021Citizen ScienceResearcher

The OeAD Center for Citizen Science gave a lecture on Citizen Science in English on March 30, 2021 at the University of Linz.

Research lead for the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences: FFG funds the "COIN" program

25. March 2021Higher EducationResearcher

The Carinthia University of Applied Sciences achieved a great success in the last FFG COIN tender "University of Applied Sciences Research for Business".