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Jugendliche Wissenschaftskommunikator/innen gesucht!

3. November 2022JugendPublic ScienceResearcher

Das Projekt „ImmunoKomm“ verknüpft das Thema Immunsystem mit Wissenschaftskommunikation und sucht dafür noch wissenschaftsinteressierte Jugendliche zwischen 16 und 19 Jahren.

Submit now to the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023

2. November 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

Contributions to the conference motto "ver.suchen - ver.einen - ver.antworten" can be submitted until 7 December 2022.

Journal issue on participatory methods and impact assessment in Citizen Science

1. November 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

Eight articles on "Participatory evaluation and impact assessment in Citizen Science" appeared in the last issue of the journal fteval.

Global Inequalities

27. October 202259:49Researcher

Live from the ORF Funkhaus: Global inequalities jeopardise sustainable development in all areas of life.

Magdalena Boch - An expert on dog brains in Oxford

21. October 2022ScholarsAlumniResearcher

Dr Magdalena Boch spent the academic year 2021/22 on a Marietta Blau Grant at the Cognitive Neuroecology Lab at the University of Oxford, researching evolutionary similarities and …