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European Year of Youth 2022: Get active and help shape it

17. March 2022JugendPress releaseEuropean Programmes

100,000 euros are available within the “Your EU Year of Youth” initiative

Austrian Development Research Award 2021 goes to Mattersburger Kreis

3. December 2021Press releaseDevelopment Research

The Junior Researcher’s Prize went to Christina Gugerell and Marta López Cifuentes

Erasmus+ funding: 60 million euros for Austria for 2022

29. November 2021Press releaseEuropean Programmes

European Commission publishes call for proposals for Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) for 2022

10 million euros for international study and research stays

19. November 2021Press releaseHigher Education

BMBWF and OeAD call for applications for the academic year 2022/23

Anniversary “60 Years OeAD – Agency for Education and Internationalisation”

16. November 2021OeAD60Press release

Austria's education agency is active in Austria, Europe, and internationally in priority countries, opening the door to the world.