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Call for educational research with 8.8 million euros now open

3. October 2022CallPress release

BMBWF and OeAD expect research results on highly relevant topics by 2026

New European digital hub "European School Education Platform"

23. September 2022Press releaseEuropean Programmes

Three Austrian schools were awarded the European Innovative Teaching Award

Package of measures: “Prevention of antisemitism through education”

21. September 2022Holocaust EducationPress release

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and Austria’s education agency OeAD present their strategy and contributions

Conference on cultural education, resilience and sustainability in Vienna

14. September 2022KulturvermittlungPress release

OeAD and Educult invite you to exchange ideas in cooperation with the ENO network

Sparkling Science 2.0: BMBWF funds 34 outstanding citizen science projects with 11.5 million euros

4. July 2022YoungSciencePress releasePublic Science

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) funds 34 innovative projects within the framework of the research programme “Sparkling Science 2.0”.