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This summer a world of wonder and exploration will open again for children and teenagers

28. May 2021KinderunisPress release

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) doubles funding: 18 children's and youth university projects will be funded with approximately 1.2 million euros

Erasmus+ Next Generation - Aufruf zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen 2021

11. May 2021European ProgrammesCallPress release

Stellen Sie einen Antrag in der neuen Programmgeneration von Erasmus+

EU funding for youth organisations and young people

16. April 2021JugendPress releaseEuropean Programmes

First European Solidarity Corps 2021 call published, Austria expects more than 2 million euros for 2021.

15 years of OeAD International Testing Services

8. April 2021Press releaseStudiesQuality

The OeAD Test Centre conducts globally recognised admission tests and occupation-related examinations for higher education institutions using state-of-the-art biometric methods.

Patrick Siegele becomes the new managing director of _erinnern.at_

7. April 2021Press release

_erinnern.at_ will become a separate sector in the national educational agency OeAD in 2022.