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Conference on equal opportunities and participation through adult education

22. June 2018Press release

The conference "Upskilling Pathways - Equal Opportunities and Participation through Adult Education" took place on June 21st.

Intensifying Austrian-Russian cooperation in education and science

7. June 2018PartnershipsStudiesHigher Education

More than 100 representatives of Austrian and Russian higher education institutions are currently taking part in the Erasmus+ cooperation seminar in Moscow.

Erasmus+: Big apprentice network meeting in Vienna

29. May 2018Press release

The Federal President Van der Bellen welcomes 50 apprentices of the "EuroApprentices" initiative from eight countries at the Hofburg in Vienna.

Create digital teaching and learning materials by means of Citizen Science methods

29. May 2018Press release

The first call for proposals of the Innovation Foundation for Education starts. Submit your proposal as of June 1st, 2018!

Mehr Chancen für Europa mit Erasmus+

8. May 2018Press release

Die vierte Erasmus+ Jahrestagung zog eine Zwischenbilanz über das laufende EU-Programm und gab einen Ausblick auf das neue Programm.