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Article on inclusive education in 107/2018

8. January 2019Higher EducationPartnershipsDevelopment Research

Article in German only!

"Inklusive Bildung als Leitziel der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" ist der Titel des Artikels von Prof. Gottfried Biewer von der Universität Wien, der die …

Partnerships between Austria and the South Caucasus: featuring APPEAR and Erasmus+

18. December 2018PartnershipsHigher Education

There are many and various cooperations between Austrian higher education institutions (HEI) and partner institutions in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan - this was clearly visible …

Austausch und Vernetzung laufender APPEAR-Projekte

3. December 2018PartnershipsDevelopment Research

Mittwoch vergangener Woche, am 28.11., fand im OeAD-Haus ein weiteres APPEAR-Projektleiter/innen-Treffen statt. APPEAR ist das Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education …

General Assembly of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) in Vienna

30. November 2018OeADEuropäischer HochschulraumPartnerships

At the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)’ General Assembly the OeAD’s Director General Stefan Zotti hands over his office of ACA’s vice-president.

Country Talk on Central Asia and a Vernissage at the OeAD

26. November 2018OeADPartnerships

Artful photographies and traditional music from Central Asia were presented at the OeAD on 15 November 2018. The very first Country Talk was solemnly opened by Ambassadors, experts …