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Journalism students from four countries work on ecological multimedia projects

15. February 2017OeADHigher EducationStudies

From 5th to 12th of February 2017 students of the International School of Multimedia Journalism came together in Vienna to work on multimedia projects with focus on ecological …

America first – und andere Dystopien, die Entwicklungspolitik in Frage stellen

3. February 201759:56

In dieser Welt im Ohr Sendung spannt Johannes Schmidl den Bogen der Utopien und Dystopien von ihren verschriftlichen Anfängen im 16. Jahrhundert, bis zu den heute gelebten, aber …

30th anniversary of Erasmus - celebrate the Erasmus+ day with us!

2. February 2017European Programmes

On May 10th, 2017 celebrations will take place all over Austria. We are looking for people who are interested in taking part in regional events and activities.