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Rainer Rosenberg mit dem Dr. Karl Renner Publizistikpreis für sein Lebenswerk geehrt

21. December 2017PodcastsDevelopment Research

Die Kommission für Entwicklungsforschung (KEF) gratuliert dem Gründervater von ORF Ö1 Campus, der Heimat von „Welt im Ohr“.

Mobility and its added value: Review of the Higher Education Conference

18. December 2017Higher EducationOeADEuropean Programmes

"Different studies from Germany show that graduates who had been abroad find it easier to gain a foothold in multinational companies and earn higher salaries,"summarises Nicolai Netz from the German Centre for Higher Education and Scientific Research in his keynote speech at the …

OeAD congratulates the new minister of education Heinz Faßmann

18. December 2017Press releaseOeAD

As a long-standing member of the OeAD Supervisory Board Faßmann has a great understanding of internationalisation.

Ö1 Midday Journal: Spotlight on apprentices

18. December 2017European ProgrammesVocational Training

The Ö1 programme from December 16th reports on the experiences of apprentices who spent some time abroad with the help of Erasmus+.

Ö1 radio programme on the APPEAR project STRECAFISH

15. December 2017Development ResearchResearcher

The programme "Dimensions" reports on aquaculture for East Africa and the cooperation between the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna and universities in …