News by tags 108 | 10th anniversary of the Marietta Blau Grant

27. March 2019OeADHigher EducationScholarship

For ten years now, the Marietta Blau Grant has enabled Austrian doctoral students to carry out part of their research work abroad.

5th International School of Multimedia Journalism 2019 in Vienna - A review

25. March 2019PartnershipsStudiesOeAD

During the project week, which was supported by the OeAD, journalism students from four countries worked on joint multimedia projects on the topic of "Social Responsibility".

Bundespräsident empfängt internationale Erasmus+ Stipendiat/innen

19. March 2019Higher EducationEuropean ProgrammesOeAD

Bundespräsident Van der Bellen zeigt sich begeistert von der Hochschul-Zusammenarbeit am Westbalkan.

Euraxess Austria: Exchange of experiences 2019

15. March 2019ResearcherOeAD

"Career Development" was the focus of this year’s Euraxess Austria Network event on March 6, 2019. – Database for scholarships and research grants

14. March 2019ScholarshipOeADCall

Are you looking for a scholarship to study abroad or a grant for a research project?