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Outgoing Scholarship Programmes of the OeAD 2023/24

12. December 2022CallOeADScholarship

Here you can find an overview of our outgoing programmes (i.e. for students from Austria wishing to spend a study or research period abroad) worldwide and the current closing dates …

OeAD Scholarship Programmes and further grants for Austria 2023/2024

12. December 2022CallOeADScholarship

Here you can find information on open calls for scholarships, including the respective application deadlines.

New: Folder Cultural Education with Schools

7. December 2022KulturvermittlungOeADSchool

The OeAD supports active and equal opportunities-based participation of children and young people in art, culture and society.

Digital LEVEL-UP Licence: Padlet-Linksammlungen

29. November 2022OeADSchool

Kennen Sie die praktischen Padlet-Sammlungen der Digital LEVEL-UP Licence?

The OeAD congratulates Anton Zeilinger on winning the Nobel Prize in Physics

4. October 2022Press releaseOeAD

“The OeAD warmly congratulates Anton Zeilinger on winning the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022. As Austria’s education and internationalisation agency we would like to thank Univ.-Prof. …