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"Study in Austria" at the EAIE 2019 in Helsinki

2. October 2019OeADHigher EducationHigher Education Marketing

From September 24th to 27th, 2019 the OeAD and the Austrian higher education institutions represented Austria as an attractive location for higher education at the EAIE in …

Europass macht transparent

18. September 2019European ProgrammesOeADVocational Training

Die Veranstaltung "Europass macht transparent" findet am 03. Oktober 2019 im Haus der Europäischen Union in Wien statt.

Vorbereitung für den Schulaufenthalt im Ausland

17. September 2019European ProgrammesSchoolOeAD

10 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus ganz Österreich haben sich am 16. September 2019 beim Pre Departure Training im OeAD-Haus in Wien auf ihren Erasmus+ Auslandsaufenthalt vorbereitet.

29th Higher Education Conference

3. September 2019Higher EducationOeAD

The higher education conference will take place at the University of Vienna on November 18th and 19th, 2019.

Chinese scholarship holders talk about their impressions from Alpbach

26. August 2019OeADStudiesPartnerships

Some 20 Chinese students were able to take part in the seminar week in Alpbach in 2019 with a scholarship from the European Forum Alpbach and with the support of the OeAD.