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Talks about cooperation between higher education institutions in Austria and Egypt

1. October 2020OeADHigher Education

Prof. Dr. Ola Abdelgawad, cultural attaché and head of the study mission of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt, paid a visit to the OeAD’s managing director Jakob Calice …

Save the Date: Rede der Präsidentin Ursula von der Leyen zur Lage der Union

15. September 2020European ProgrammesOeAD

Am 16. September 2020 um 9:00 Uhr hält die Präsidentin der Europäischen Kommission, Ursula von der Leyen, ihre erste Rede zur Lage der Union.

Award of the Prix Ars Electronica to pupils of the Ortwein School Graz

14. September 2020OeADSchool

The OeAD's managing director Jakob Calice presented the winners with the "Prix Ars Electronica" in the category "u19 – create your world".

Successful completion of the summer universities AEMS and GBS

17. August 2020OeADStudies

This year the OeAD Housing Office's two summer programmes, "Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS)" and "Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS)", were held in completely digital …

COVID-19 Hardship fund for cancellation fees for school events

13. August 2020SchoolOeAD

Here you can find all information about application.