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Offers for cultural education with schools 2021/22

6. September 2021KulturvermittlungCall

In the school year 2021/22 the OeAD will once again launch numerous calls for proposals and initiatives in the field of “cultural education with schools”.

Information events: Offers for cultural education with schools in the school year 2021/22

2. September 2021Kulturvermittlung

The OeAD invites teachers, artists and cultural educators to inform themselves about the new initiative and all current offers for "cultural education with schools" in the school …

Brochure "Ladestation K3. Kulturvermittlung von Lehrlingen" published

19. July 2021Kulturvermittlung

The K3 projects – Cultural Education with Apprentices are organised by the OeAD and supported by the Ministry of Education.


25. June 2021OeADKulturvermittlungJugend

Start of the most comprehensive cultural education programme with schools in Austria.

60 Years OeAD: culture connected – cooperation between schools and cultural partners

17. June 2021KulturvermittlungOeAD60

For years cultural institutions, cultural initiatives and cultural associations have been working together with schools and school daycare project teams within the framework of the …