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With _erinnern.at_ in Israel - learning and commemoration in Yad Vashem

13. July 2022Holocaust Education

With our programme _erinnern.at_ Austrian educators are currently visiting the Yad Vashem memorial in Israel and engaging in teaching and learning about the Holocaust and …

Symposium – Prevention of anti-Semitism through education

12. July 2022Holocaust Education

The results of two projects of are presented, which support the BMBWF in implementing measures for the National Strategy against Anti-Semitism.

Register now: Seminar in Israel – Course: “Pedagogy at Sites of Remembrance”

8. July 2022Holocaust Education

The 37th Israel Seminar will take place in August 2023; preparatory seminars will be held in Austria as of February 2023. Closing date for registration: 15 July 2022.

OeAD Managing Director Jakob Calice in exchange with National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka

7. July 2022Holocaust EducationOeAD

They talked about Erasmus+, Green Erasmus and Holocaust Education, among other things.

Persons formerly persecuted by National Socialism in exchange with teachers

4. April 2022Holocaust EducationPress releaseSchool

The OeAD programme _erinnern.at_ gives generations a chance to talk to each other