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New bachelor degree programme Informatics at the IMC FH Krems

7. June 2019Higher Education

Highly qualified computer scientists are trained at IMC FH Krems. The programme is taught in English.

The OeAD at the NAFSA 2019

5. June 2019Higher Education MarketingHigher EducationOeAD

The OeAD represented Austria as a location for higher education at the education fair NAFSA in Washington D.C. from May 27th to 31st, 2019.

U-Multirank: Hervorragende Platzierungen für Österreichs Hochschulen

5. June 2019QualityHigher EducationQuality

Sechs heimische Hochschulen unter den Top 25 beim internationalen Ranking 'U-Multirank' 109 | 20th anniversary of the Bologna Process

3. June 2019Europäischer HochschulraumOeADHigher Education

The new edition of the' focus is on the Bologna Process, which has shaped the European Higher Education Area since 1999.

"Frauen" und "AV-Medien" bei den Österreich-Tagen in Liberec

31. May 2019OeADLanguagesHigher Education

Mitorganisiert von OeAD-Lektorin Sandra Braun (Technische Universität Liberec) fanden Österreich-Tage zur Fortbildung von DaF-Lehrkräften statt