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From Erasmus to Erasmus+: The EU programmes has moved nine million people in 30 years

5. May 2017European ProgrammesPress release

Austria is able to spend 40 percent more on education, youth and sports in the current EU programme Erasmus+.

5 Fragen an eine erfolgreiche eTwinnerin

1. May 2017European ProgrammesSchool

Gerhild Anna Robinig hat mit ihren Schüler/innen den ersten Platz bei der nationalen eTwinning-Preisverleihung 2016 gewonnen. Die Lehrerin der NMS Weitensfeld war gleich mit zwei …

The programme of the Erasmus+ Day on May 10th, 2017

27. April 2017European Programmes

With numerous events and activities all over Austria we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Erasmus on May 10th.

Erasmus+ in the United Kingdom

24. April 2017European Programmes

The United Kingdom’s government has confirmed that it will underwrite payments for all Erasmus+ grant agreements signed with the British Council while the UK is still an EU member …

EU initiative "Move2Learn, Learn2Move" is to promote mobility of young people

4. April 2017European ProgrammesSchool

Within the framework of an eTwinning competition young people will get the possibility to travel to another European country either alone or with their school classes.