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Film as an art form of political resistance

21. November 2019ResearcherDevelopment Research

This programme's topics are intellectual and cross-cultural meeting spaces in the field of tension between Eurocentrism, exoticisation and activism. (the language of this radio …

Film Days "Wissen.Schafft.Entwicklung." 2019 - Film and Discussion

14. November 2019Development ResearchResearcher

The Film Days 2019 have been organised within the framework of this human world - International Human Rights Film Festival and the APPEAR programme.

"Welt im Ohr": Focus on Ethiopia: Progress and change have many faces

8. November 2019Development ResearchResearcher

Scientists as well as an expert from Ethiopia and from Austria provide an insight into historical and current political developments in the African country. November 8th, 2019, 8-9 …

“Welt im Ohr” ("World in your ear"): Water-Energy-Nutrition and Knowledge for Development

24. October 2019Development Research

The efforts to combine recent research with development policy practice in the area of water - energy - nutrition. Ö1 Campus radio, October 25th, 2019, 8-9 p.m. (in German)

APPEAR event on water, energy and food security in East Africa | 26th of September

17. September 2019Development Research

APPEAR in practice_13: Water, energy and food security in East Africa. Insights into integrated natural resource management with examples from Kenya and Uganda.