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AAL_4_Alumni AudioLab with Vanessa Suelt Cock

18. September 201744:42Development ResearchAlumniPodcasts

Vanessa Suelt Cock, law professor from Colombia, gives an insight into her work, the Colombian peace treaty of 2016 and in law and justice.

Welt im Ohr: Sustainable travel in developing countries

14. September 2017Development ResearchPodcasts

Wishful thinking or a realistic tourism concept? The new "Welt im Ohr" (World in your ear) radio progamme on September 15th on Ö1 Campusradio will explore this question.

Call for applications for the Austrian Junior Researchers' Prize for Development Research 2017

5. September 2017CallDevelopment ResearchResearcher

Young scientists can submit their contributions dealing with "sustainable tourism" until September 15th, 2017 to the Commission for Develpment Research (KEF).

Welt im Ohr: Money against poverty?

20. July 2017Development ResearchOeAD

The new radio programme on July 21st, 2017 on Ö1 Campusradio deals with the role of unconditional money transfers as a means to fight poverty.

Welt im Ohr: Medical Anthropology

23. June 2017ResearcherDevelopment Research

In the new radio programme on June 23rd on Ö1 Campusradio three medical anthropologists will discuss about the socio-cultural aspects of health.